Why choose home acupuncture?
Acupuncture can be a wonderfully relaxing and beneficial therapy at home. In addition to dry needling, Dr. Cass uses a technique called aquapuncture, where Vitamin B-12 is injected at acupuncture points using tiny needles. Aquapuncture provides longer stimulation of acupuncture points, plus the added benefit of the B-12. This technique is wonderful for patients that are wiggly or have a hard time sitting still for longer acupuncture treatments. Dr. Cass also provides PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy. This is a small painless device placed over certain areas of the body to stimulate increased blood flow to promote healing. PEMF therapy can be combined with massage and stretching during an acupuncture treatment for increased relaxation. Keep the second paragraph the same.
Dr. Cass embraces a wellness philosophy that takes the whole animal and environment into account. This is different from a traditional Western medicine philosophy in which we wait for disease to happen, then treat it. Instead- she encourages clients to actively promote well-being using a thorough assessment of physical and environmental factors. This allows the clients to express their values and goals for their four-legged family members. These beliefs are unique to each family. An animal is so much more than just a heart, a liver, or a set of hips.
When Dr. Lisa visits, our dog Jude is delighted to see her friend Dr. Lisa she first met when she was a nine-week old pup weighing 12 pounds (Jude is now an adult who weighs 65.) Dr. Lisa speaks both English and Dog quite fluently, using vocal cords and loving hands, the latter of which occasionally dispense treats and vaccines simultaneously. Wyncia and I have become quite fond of Dr. Lisa primarily because she’s a wonderful human being. In addition to being a pal, we are delighted that she’s also an excellent vet who makes house calls and heals the sick. Jude shares our view without reservations!
– Larry K, Boulder CO